[product][u_line]Join DUI in Iceland and Greenland[/u_line] [/product]September 4-18, 2017 Join DUI on an amazing dive trip to Iceland and Greenland Dive Trip.Iceland Green Dive Trip EXPEDITION OVERVIEW Join Faith Ortins, VP of DUI, and photographers Michael Salvarezza and Chris Weaver from Eco-Photo Explorers, on an amazing expedition to the far North. The itinerary offers the opportunity to explore both Iceland and Greenland above and below the water-perfect for Divers and Non-Divers alike! We will start our Arctic Ocean adventure in Iceland! Imagine diving in a fissure in the Earth’s crust, the separation point between two continental plates, flooded with decades old glacial melt water filtered through 50 miles of lava stone to produce the purest, clearest water on Earth. This is Silfra, one of the most awe-inspiring dives on the unique island of Iceland. Geologically active with hundreds of volcanoes, Iceland presents unique opportunities and challenges for divers. Join DUI as we visit Silfra, and then journey on to dive Strytan, the only diveable hydrothermal vent in the world. While on expedition, we will also explore rivers of hot water and photograph the colorful marine life that inhabits these mysterious waters. Iceland Green Dive TripThis unique diving tour of Iceland combines dazzling underwater experiences and breathtaking land excursions. Besides diving, exploring Iceland means visiting thundering waterfalls, explosive geysers, active fumaroles, relaxing hot water springs and rarely seen lava tubes. Our explorations will take us from the capital of Rekyavik to the port city of Akureyri where we will meet our vessel, Plancius for the 2nd part of our great adventure. Greenland: The world’s largest island that is not considered a continent unto itself. Belonging to the kingdom of Denmark but run independently, we will meet a world where European culture meshes with that of the Inuit in a harsh but beautiful landscape of ice, rock and sea. Greenland or “Kalaallit Nunaat” (Land of the People) in the local language is a place of extremes. Iceland Green Dive TripGreenland is dominated by the second largest ice-sheet in the world after Antarctica. Although huge in size, it is inhabited by less than 100,000 people with the majority being Inuit, the indigenous people of the Arctic. In addition to the many outdoor activities including diving, kayaking and hiking, we will have the opportunity to explore local villages and follow in the footsteps of Vikings. Despite the restricted access to land due to the ice sheet, Greenland sports a diverse array of wildlife above and below the water. Birds abound and many land mammals enjoy the northern and eastern shores of the island including the arctic fox and hare, reindeer, muskoxen and polar bears. The waters around the island abound with belugas, seals, orcas, narwhals, minkes, humpbacks, and finback whales to name just a few. Divers can expect to dive around the largest icebergs in the world and interact with some of the 2 million seals that live around the island. We will also search for the elusive Greenland shark! Iceland Green Dive TripDownload the flyer for more details and logistics of this amazing adventure. For questions, please contact Faith Ortins DIVING UNLIMITED INTERNATIONAL, INC. 1148 Delevan Drive San Diego, CA 92102 USA (800)325-8439 or (619)236-1203 x312 WWW.DUI-ONLINE.COM You'll want to join us on this Iceland and Greenland Dive Trip! Iceland Green Dive TripIceland Green Dive TripIceland Green Dive TripIceland Green Dive TripIceland Green Dive Trip Iceland Green Dive Trip