Drysuit Size Charts & Order Forms

At DUI we can fit anyone in a drysuitYou'll find drysuit size charts for all DUI models here.  We also have sizing information on our DiveWear (drysuit insulation) and additional products.

Drysuit Size Charts

Drysuit size chart, mens & womens Drysuit size chart, mens & womens - METRIC Drysuit measuring instructions NEW - TLSSE, TLS350, FLX EXTREME, CLX450 DRYSUIT ORDER FORM NEW - CF200 DRYSUIT ORDER FORM NEW - PUBLIC SAFETY DRYSUIT ORDER FORM

DiveWear (Drysuit Insulation)

DiveWear size chart DiveWear size chart - METRIC BlueHeat - heated insulation - NEW

Hoods, Boots, Gloves, Weight & Trims

Size chart for drysuit hood, boots, gloves, Weight & Trim Need help finding the right size for you?  Please contact us at Support@DUI-Online.com.  We can help you narrow down the drysuit size that is best for YOU!