Drysuit Size Charts & Order Forms

You'll find drysuit size charts for all DUI models here. We also have sizing information on our DiveWear (drysuit insulation) and additional products.
Drysuit Size Charts
Drysuit size chart, mens & womens Drysuit size chart, mens & womens - METRIC Drysuit measuring instructions NEW - TLSSE, TLS350, FLX EXTREME, CLX450 DRYSUIT ORDER FORM NEW - CF200 DRYSUIT ORDER FORM NEW - PUBLIC SAFETY DRYSUIT ORDER FORM
DiveWear (Drysuit Insulation)
DiveWear size chart DiveWear size chart - METRIC BlueHeat - heated insulation - NEW
Hoods, Boots, Gloves, Weight & Trims
Size chart for drysuit hood, boots, gloves, Weight & Trim Need help finding the right size for you? Please contact us at
Support@DUI-Online.com. We can help you narrow down the drysuit size that is best for YOU!