Attach your ZipGloves to your drysuit if not already done. Next, turn your drysuit sleeves and gloves inside out. Pour about 8 cups of water into one of the drysuit sleeves. This will fill the glove with water. Hang the sleeve off the end of a table. Weight the sleeve down so it will stay in place. Now wait for the leak to appear. As you can see from our photos the white coating changes color. Mark the leak/s.
For ease in working with the gloves remove from the drysuit. Let the glove dry completely.
You’ll want to cover the hole at least 1/4″ all the way around. When using straight Aquaseal work it into the liner of the glove. The 50/50 mix of Cotol and Aquaseal penetrates a bit better.
How to Re-Attach your DUI ZipGloves
When re-attaching your drysuit gloves to your DUI drysuit use this easy tip. On all DUI drysuits the seam running down the inside of the arm should line up with the center of your palm. Use the seam to line up the palm of your dryglove.
Remember to use plenty of soapy water when installing ZipSeals. This will make the rings much easier to snap together. If you do not have a water bottle handy just mix up a solution in a paper cup. Pour over the rings on both the drysuit and gloves.
Need a ZipSeal expert? Join us at a consumer dive show or at a DUI DEMOTOUR. We are ready to assist you. You can also reach out to us by telephone at 800-325-8439, online chat or email at
It’s easy to find and fix drysuit glove leaks.
Watch our video on How to install DUI ZipGloves
One last note – ZipSeals really can be attached quickly. See our short/fun video.