2013 Nullarbor Karst Plain Project
March 05, 2014
"Caves are among the last, true frontiers of exploration."
The flooded underwater cave systems beneath Western Australia’s Nullarbor Karst Plain began forming more than 25 million years ago as sea levels dropped; exposing a massive limestone plain that had once been the sea floor. Early humans were the first explorers; braving darkness and superstition as they traversed the dry sections of cave to discover clear pools of blue water at the cave terminus. Underwater cave explorers would eventually pick up the trail this past century and discover massive tunnels, beautiful rooms and additional dry passageways leading further into the unknown. Fast forward to present day and the evidence clearly shows that caves, the deep ocean and outer space remain the last “true” frontiers for exploration. The Nullarbor remains one of those final “frontiers” in more ways than one.
Read WKPP's Casey McKinlay's report on his adventures into the
Nullarbor Karst Plain Project.
DUI is a proud supporter
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