September 12, 2010



As a responsible diver, I understand and assume all the risks I may encounter while diving.My responsible Diving Duties include:

1. Diving within the limits of my ability and training.

  • My certification card qualifies me to engage in diving activities consistent with my training and experience.
    the importance of continuing my diving education in the form of supervised activities and training, such as night diving and deep diving specialties.
  • The need to keep proficient in my diving skills and to refresh them under supervision if I have not been diving recently.
  • There are no limits to what I can learn about diving. The more I know, the safer I’ll be.
  • My maximum depth should be limited to my level of training and experience.
  • I must have training in the proper use of equipment.
  • The value of getting specific training in the proper use and application of specialized equipment, such as drysuits and computers.

2. Evaluating the conditions before every dive and making sure they fit my personal capabilities.

  • The need for being familiar with my dive sites and the importance of getting a formal orientation to unfamiliar dive sites from a knowledgeable local source.
  • The dangers of overhead environments (caves, wrecks, etc.) and the need to seek specialized training before doing such diving.
  • I should postpone my dive, or choose an alternate site, if I evaluate the dive site conditions as being more difficult than my experience and training level.
  • I should use a surface support station, such as a boat or a float, whenever feasible.

3. Being familiar with and checking my equipment before and during every dive.

  • That simply owning my equipment does not give me the knowledge and ability to dive safely.
  • I must have training in the use of my equipment.
  • I should maintain comfort in the use of my equipment through practice.
  • My equipment must be equal to the type of diving I will be doing.
  • I need to check that my equipment is operating properly before each dive.
  • My equipment must be treated with respect and properly maintained and serviced.
  • My equipment must be serviced according to manufacturer’s specification by a qualified service technician.
  • I must follow manufacturers’ recommendations on the use of my equipment and must not modify it to perform in a way not intended by it’s maker.
  • I need to be properly trained before using EANx (Nitrox) and must use proper EANx-designated equipment displaying the appropriate markings.
  • The importance of being able to easily release my weights if in distress.
  • The value of an alternate air source and low pressure buoyancy control inflation system.
  • How to adjust my weights for neutral buoyancy at the surface with no air in my buoyancy control device.

4. Respecting the buddy system and its advantages.

  • I need to keep my diving emergency response skills sharp through practice and mental role playing.
    the importance of planning my dives with my buddy, including communications, procedures for reuniting if separated and emergency procedures.
  • Diving the plan which my buddy and I agreed to follow helps provide a safe dive.
  • I should always deny the use of my equipment to uncertified divers.

5. Accepting the responsibility for my own safety on every dive.

  • The importance of maintaining good mental and physical fitness for diving.
  • I must not dive while under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
  • Postponing the dive is the correct action if I am suffering from a cold, hangover, flu or other health deficiency that may cause complications.
  • To be watchful for and avoid overexertion.
  • Diving will be safe if I listen carefully to dive briefings and respect the advice of those overseeing my diving activities.
  • The operators I dive with are not responsible for my decisions and actions.
  • I should be proficient in dive table use and make all dives no required decompression dives, allowing for a margin of safety, ascending no faster than 60 feet/18 meters per minute and making a safety stop at the end of every dive.
  • To always breathe continuously while diving and never skip breathe or hold my breath.
  • Proper buoyancy should be maintained at all times – buoyant for surface swimming, neutral while swimming underwater.

6. Being environmentally conscious on every dive.

  • Am careful about what I touch underwater.
  • Do not break plants or coral or collect “souvenirs”.
  • Respect laws on size and limits for game.
  • Collect and dispose of trash I find while diving.
  • Let dive buddies, resorts and dive operators know how I feel about environmental responsibility.
  • Never dive in a manner that would hurt the environment.
  • The resorts and operators I dive with:

The resorts and operators I dive with:

  • Use mooring buoys whenever available or anchor in areas free of live bottoms.
  • Give thorough environmental briefings to divers before they enter the water.
  • Contain photo processing chemicals for proper disposal.
  • Dispose of trash responsibly.
  • Uphold environmental regulations and game limits.

Originally printed in 1987 by Diving Equipment & Marketing Association

Also in The Diving Log

Press Release from Diving Unlimited International, Inc 2021-06-22
Press Release from Diving Unlimited International, Inc 2021-06-22

June 22, 2021

Dick Long, the founder of Diving Unlimited International (DUI), has announced that DUI is moving forward in its mission to create innovative products for safe and comfortable diving under new leadership.

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June 10, 2021

Want a chance to win a FREE OMS Slap-Strap or the new Beyond Silicone Wrist ZipSeals? Submit your photos of you or your friends in DUI or OMS gear!

Each week we will randomly pick a winner! Best photo of each month will win a pair of the new Beyond Silicone Wrist ZipSeals. Be one of the first to use these new seals!

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OMS Distributor Meeting Philippines
OMS Distributor Meeting Philippines

March 14, 2017

OMS is an expanding and evolving product offerings for 2017, including the new IQ Lite backpack and the OMS regulator. The OMS regulator with a Work of Breathing (WOB) of .8 Joules˟ is among the finest in the dive industry.

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